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The Compute Platform for Lightspeed Services.

  • Millisecond scale to 0
  • Millisecond autoscale
  • Millisecond cold boots
  • Higher Throughput
  • Significantly lower cloud bill
  • Hardware-Level isolation
  • Run On-Prem or Cloud-Prem
  • Works with Docker, k8s & TF
  • Connect to Hyperscaler Services
For more information about the tech visit Unikraft GmbH or see Pricing Information.

“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... @libsqlhq server running with and cold booting in 30 milliseconds 🤯💎🚀”

Pekka Enberg
Pekka Enberg
CTO at Turso

“Imagine running thousands of pods on K8s with just your app code and required libraries, like Alpine images on steroids.”

Ali Khajeh-Hosseini
Ali Khajeh-Hosseini
Co-Founder at Infracost

“You guys are doing cloud rocket science.”

Dmitry Kolesnikov
Dmitry Kolesnikov
Senior Principal Engineer at Zalando

“This is some seriously impressive tech. I deployed a Rust + Axum API that can cold-start instantly without requiring any wasm specific modifications like Cloudflare Workers.”

Oscar Beaumont
Oscar Beaumont
Rust Engineer at

“Hail Unikernels!! The future of Cloud Computing is here with Unikraft 🙌”

Riya Bisht
Riya Bisht
Open-Source Contributor

“My favorite unikernel framework.”

Jonathan Beri
Jonathan Beri
CEO at Golioth

“It is a gorgeous way to build lightweight and secure VM images.”

Emad Heydari Beni
Emad Heydari Beni
Researcher at Bell Labs

“I was actually more impressed with unikernels with Unikraft than WASM. (And that is saying a lot if you know how I feel about unikernels).”

Darren Shepherd
Darren Shepherd
Creator of K3s

“This has revolutionised our infrastructure — offering efficiency and scalability at a great price-point. It'll be a game-changer for all devops workflows.”

Ludwig Trotter
Ludwig Trotter
CEO at

“We took Go codebase we've been working with from an average of ~4s startup with Docker on GCP to ~30ms on KraftCloud.”

Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson
Ex-Director, Equinix Metal Platform Engineering

“This is certainly the future of zero-cost amortized compute per user 💯”

Ikechi Obiajunwa
Ikechi Obiajunwa
Founder at

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